The City of Jeffersontown is a pro-business, full-service community that is located in southeastern Jefferson County. It is a second-class city and is governed by a strong mayor/city council form of government with zoning authority. Jeffersontown has a full-service, 25 employee public works department and a 50 officer police force generally recognized as one of the finest in Kentucky. The population of Jeffersontown is approximately 27,500 residents and swells to a workforce of close to 50,000 daily.
The diversity of business in Jeffersontown is stunning in breadth. The Jeffersontown economy includes not only the largest, most successful industrial park in the Commonwealth, but also portions of a premier commercial corridor (Hurstbourne Parkway), two large shopping centers (Stony Brook and Plainview), a small town neighborhood shopping district (Gaslight Square) and Jefferson County’s fastest growing mixed use development (Blankenbaker Crossings).
What are my Jeffersontown taxes?
To inquire about Jeffersontown taxes contact
John Carter, Tax Department: 502.736.5307 or
Mike Kmetz, Economic Development Authority, at Jeffersontown City Hall: 502.261.9697
Occupational taxes? Click here
Real Estate taxes? Click here
How do I get a Business License?
Contact John Carter, Tax Department, at Jeffersontown City Hall: 502.267.8333. For more details follow this link.
Who do I contact about signage?
For information on signage contact Paul Long, Building Department, at Jeffersontown City Hall: 502.736.5307
Who do I contact to reserve the Jeffersontown Community Center?
Call Kala Kimmel at Jeffersontown City Hall: 502.267.8333
Can I get a list of the businesses in the Bluegrass Industrial Park?
Contact Mike Kmetz, Economic Development Authority, at Jeffersontown City Hall: 502.261.9697.
For all Chamber members we can provide a list of all the businesses in the Industrial Park who are members of The Chamber Jeffersontown! Just contact our office at: 502.267.1674.
For more FAQ’s about the City of Jeffersontown follow this link.
Can I get a list of Chamber Jeffersontown Members?
Only Chamber Jeffersontown Members have access to our published Membership Directory, and an updated Excel Spreadsheet of our Membership. If you are a member and would like this information, please call: 502.267.1674.